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Why You Need A Better List-Building Lead Magnet

Your Lead Magnet Is The Most Critical “Front-Door” Element Of Attracting Leads Into Your Coaching Business & Getting Those Leads To Pay You! It Is A Special & Valuable Item You Offer To Make Invisible Prospects – VISIBLE. They indicate interest in a specific piece of value that indicates their likelihood to be interested in […]



I’m guessing you don’t have the time or money to waste when it comes to getting results and making money in your coaching business. And more than wasting time and money, the last thing you want to do with a full schedule is waste more energy either. With so much to focus on when it comes to growing a profitable life coaching business online, I want to prevent you from frittering your time, energy and money away on unproductive marketing efforts that deplete you and fail to create the results you need.

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Ep 52 Why You Need A Better List-Building Lead Magnet

Your Lead Magnet Is The Most Critical “Front-Door” Element Of Attracting Leads Into Your Coaching Business & Getting Those Leads To Pay You! It Is A Special & Valuable Item You Offer To Make Invisible Prospects – VISIBLE. They indicate interest in a specific piece of value that indicates their likelihood to be interested in […]

Why You Need A Better List-Building Lead Magnet

email marketing

Conversion X-Factor Most Life Coaches Miss Ep 43 of Earn More as A Life Coach Podcast with Victoria Gibson

   In this week’s episode, I’m sharing the difference between effortless growth and profitability as a coach online and constant frustration, missed opportunities, and limited revenue. But first, I want to share with you that I’m not coming from some self-righteous pedestal of million-dollar growth years. Nope. I’m actually the anti-hero when it comes […]

#43 The Conversion X-Factor Most Coaches Miss In Their Marketing

email marketing


Want to write 6 months of weekly email newsletter content quickly? I’ve got a gift that includes 26 email newsletter topics and writing prompts that you can use either alone for inspiration or pop into your chosen AI tool like Chat GPT or Bard and let it write the entire email (without sounding weird). Click […]

FREE GUIDE: 26 Email Newsletter Content Prompts For Coaches

email marketing


  We all know email newsletters are an amazing opportunity to connect, inspire and motivate your audience and consistent communication using email leads to more engagement, sales and value. This is all well and good, but what on earth should you be sending? I started my first email list back in 2011, and I started […]

#41 What To Send To Your Email List When You’re Stuck On What To Share

email marketing


If you’re a life coach, have been certified as a life coach, or have already been working with clients to create transformation in the personal development sphere, you’ve likely been working really hard to grow your business and get more clients. Whether you’ve been working at it for a while, or you’ve just got started, […]

The 5 Key Elements of a Highly Profitable Life Coaching Business

email marketing


  If you’re anything like me, you’ll find that selling your coaching programs and offers can bring up a lot of resistance. It feels like a necessary evil – something to get good at so you can get more clients and do more coaching, even though you can’t stand doing it. And I’m not excited […]

#34 The One Big Shift That Will Change The Way You Think About Selling (Even If You Hate Sales)

email marketing


Did you know that most coaches never get their social media or email sorted in a way that consistently gets them, clients? And maybe you’re one of them. You keep telling yourself you just need to post more, build up your followers and grow your list and you’ll have it all sorted. But waiting for […]

#33 The 3 Inconvenient Truths About Getting More Life Coaching Clients From Social Media

email marketing


  Email continues to outperform every other marketing channel for revenue growth and this makes it such an amazing opportunity for life coaches, no matter what size your business.   Email really is the heart and soul of all the strategies that we can use to get attention online, whether it be blogging, ads or […]

#31 How To Get Started Growing An Engaged & Profitable Email List As A Life Coach

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