Too often my clients hold themselves back in their marketing because they think they need more experience.
They dial down their pricing and their presence because they think they’re not worthy of sharing their expertise from a place of authority.
They rely too much on what they want to teach or the process of how they deliver their coaching, because they think that somehow that will make up for their perceived lack of expertise and convince future clients of how great they are.
But I want to help you learn how to push past the fear and resistance that comes up when you tell yourself you need more experience so that you can attract more clients and grow your life coaching business.
It’s so disappointing that many life coaches go inward rather than outward on their journey to gain more experience.
You read more articles, watch more videos and plan out amazing ideas that never see the light of day and all this work stops you from getting out there actually connecting with potential clients and leaves you unable to attract and convert those people that should be benefiting from your coaching and who have every opportunity to benefit from their coaching, if only you’d show up more.
And the same is true of your coaching.
Even if you’re not yet Byron Katie, or have years of proven case studies behind you, it’s possible to show up and stand in your value to share the opportunity of coaching with you.
I want you to start having a communication strategy for your life coaching that’s worthy of the contribution that you make to your own learning and coaching and the effort that you put into everything that you do.
This is in spite of how long you’ve been coaching, how much experience you have and whether anyone’s heard of you or not.
Steven Pressfield says in his book “Do The Work”:
“A child has no trouble believing the unbelievable, nor does the genius or the madman. It’s only you and I, with our big brains and tiny hearts, who doubt and overthink and hesitate.”
The funny thing is that the doubt and overthinking is actually limiting your experience and stopping you from getting more of it.
So, you don’t think you’re not experienced?
Start learning to communicate anyway.
You can always revise and revisit once you’ve started.
Another way to push past the perfectionism and procrasti-planning is to remember that YOU are not the solution for your clients.
You are the person who recommends the changes and helps your clients see their own minds to create powerful shifts.
That is the solution.
You’re not there to teach people how to become more confident.
You’re there to help people become more confident.
You’re not there to teach people how to bounce back after a breakup.
You’re there to help them bounce back after a break up.
So whatever your goal is, you’re there to help them achieve the outcome, not just speak to the information that they want or need.
And you certainly don’t need to wait until you’re experienced enough to position yourself as the leading expert in your niche.
Some ideas for getting started with your marketing communication include sharing your own struggles with the problem you help solve. The more candid you can be about this, the better.
This is where you’ll find the departure from “expert energy” is particularly powerful as empathy becomes the driving energy which creates connection between you and your audience.
Try and synthesize or translate more complex topics for your audience. These may be psychological concepts, behaviours or syndromes that may be often discussed but not often fully understood.
By being the one to give insight into what’s driving a negative outcome, then you build trust with your audience quickly.
Become aware of common objections people would have to either hiring you as a life coach to help them solve their big problem, and take them on.
By that I mean communicate in a way that addresses the big objections and melts them away.
This will make your future clients feel more understood and that alone will draw them to you, because it feels safe for them to choose you.
Your one big role in attracting and converting life coaching clients is to help them understand the cost of staying where they are, it’s not about demonstrating your experience.
And once they’ve begun to understand how the cost of them staying where they are shows up for them, and what that is preventing, that alone will help them decide whether they want to invest in coaching with you to provide a solution.
It’s not about your experience in fixing their problem.
That’s not the place that they will decide from.
So our goal is not to get them all excited about working with us and how experienced we are and how amazingly skilled as a life coach we can be.
Instead, our goal is to have them focus on moving away from the pain they’re in and be a catalyst for that, because their level of excitement is going to be stronger when they can see there’s a way out of where they are rather than the humdrum of all you know and teach.
If we make their excitement about getting the outcome or more importantly, getting away from the pain that they’ve been facing…
Which is usually them not experiencing success in a certain area, not experiencing success in their fitness, not experiencing success in their relationships, not experiencing success in their career… that is the direction to move in when communicating with future clients.
Now I’m not saying that your experience, authority and client testimonials can’t add to your marketing communications and positioning, of course they can.
But they are not the sole reason why someone chooses to work with a life coach.
And this is very good news for those of you who are newly certified, or just getting started in your business.
It means you don’t have to serve some apprenticeship while you wait to earn a great living as a life coach.
It means that you don’t have to wait to charge for your coaching.
That you don’t have to wait to make an offer.
All you have to do is start communicating in a way that connects with your niche’s big problem and inspires them to explore with you the possibility of getting it solved.
It is not to bombard them with your wisdom and expertise, hoping and wishing you will impress them.
Your fear of not being experienced enough is robbing you of your passion, and that is to coach and transform.
But when you move past that fear (and communicate online in spite of it) you discover endless passion that never depletes and that inspires passion in your future clients too.
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