

#8: How To Step Into Your Expert Energy

April 5, 2021

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I'm Victoria!

I show life coaches how to master their marketing and take control of their own success by creating a meaningful message that attracts more clients and makes more money.


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This episode is all about how to step into your expert energy and claim your message so that it is bigger than your BS!

Now, I don’t want you to be put off by the term “expert.”

The last thing most women coaches I speak to consider themselves is an expert.

And it can also bring up some negative thoughts like

  • But I’m not an expert – YET…
  • [Insert Big Name] is really the expert in my industry
  • I’m just starting out etc.

But I know that something you experienced in your life started you on this path of becoming a life coach, which also caused you to want to become more.

You started to read books, study, get certified, learn from other leaders, and experiment, and by doing so, you have become what you are today and an EXPERT.

And even if you don’t feel you’re ready to claim that mantle, I want you to start embracing it so you can set yourself up to earn more, do more and be more as a life coach.

The fact is you are already an expert in an area, or you can become one faster than has ever been possible, thanks to the power of online information and connection.

And by stepping into the power of being an expert in your industry, you’ll have an opportunity to monetize that expert status and transform more lives than you ever thought possible.

So how do you do this and build a real business beyond just life coaching sessions?

You may feel like you are becoming or already are an expert at life coaching, but no matter how great you are at the art of coaching, true growth comes from your contribution to others.

With coaching, you have the ability to change someone’s life, and with marketing, you get the opportunity to create more momentum with your message by sharing and monetizing it.

My role is to help you take the art of life coaching and combine it with the power of marketing to create a business that thrives – even if you don’t feel you are a fully-fledged expert yet.

The truth is most of us discount our life experiences and our voice, but I’m here to tell you you are ready to step into your expert status.

Claiming your expert status will help you find your message, build a community and transform more people.

It will take you from being a coach, offering insights session by session, which in essence limits who you can serve and will instead help you reach thousands of people across the globe.

There are 2 key elements that help you step into your role as an expert coach: connection and certainty.

The fastest way to move your connection with your audience forward is to encourage their dreams.

And you can do that by first understanding their dreams, so you can then encourage them with your coaching offer.

Then always be offering them value, and by this, I mean value beyond the coaching sessions you have with your clients.

Your free content can also create value in the form of videos, social media posts, blogs, and podcasts, and it can also be in the free and paid communities you create.

As to the second element of moving your expert status forward, certainty is critical.

And by certainty, I mean certainty in how you show up online with your solution, certainty in how you’re different from the competition, and certainty in the movement you want them to get behind.

Now I know that movement can feel like a really big term to use, especially when you are first starting out, but I can assure you that by helping others transform across the areas of health, wealth, relationships and purpose are all about creating a movement.

When you tap into that expert energy that already exists inside you, there is a way to start your own movement and help so many people with your message.

Being an expert is not about being arrogant. It comes from a place of service and value, and in time it drives so much transformation while giving you the opportunity to earn more from life coaching than you ever thought possible.

if you want to learn how to create a pipeline of dream clients using the power of online marketing, then you’ll want to get the heads up for my next free training that starts soon.

Just head to victoriagibson.com/waitlist and I’ll get the details to you!

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