

Filling Your Webinars with Facebook Live

June 30, 2017

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I'm Victoria!

I show life coaches how to master their marketing and take control of their own success by creating a meaningful message that attracts more clients and makes more money.


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The rise in “instant broadcasting” on Facebook makes it ridiculously easy to get your message out to your audience.

But, can you use Facebook Live as powerfully as webinars to attract clients and sales?

I am a huge fan of webinars to attract and convert clients.

They can be done from anywhere, they create good levels of attention and engagement and are an easy way to establish your authority and demonstrate value.

But the problem is that it’s getting harder to fill them and get people to actually show up.

It used to be that you could rely on running a Facebook Ad to webinar sign up and the buyers would show up and buy.

This can still happen, but attendances are falling and it’s more and more expensive to get webinar registrations from cold traffic on Facebook.

That’s where tapping into the power of Facebook Live can boost your webinar results.

Of course, you can use Facebook Live to present your webinar, direct to your audience.

The advantages are that Facebook notifies your followers, group members or friends that you are live and it attracts more viewers as it’s easy to access.

The problem is that people are impulsively dropping into the webinar and it’s easy for them to drop out too. Whereas, on a traditional webinar, it feels more like an exclusive presentation and your audience are more likely to stay on until the end.

So, although you could transfer your webinars to Facebook Live (using tools like Zoom to share a presentation on your screen as well as your face), I recommend instead to take advantage of the benefits of both platforms.

How can you do this?

You can use Facebook Live to tease your audience with the topic of your webinar and give them some value upfront. This will help them get to know you and the value you provide and encourage your prospects to enroll in the webinar.

Here’s how you can use the power of Facebook Live to fill your webinars.

1. Schedule a Facebook Live on your Business Page (this is so you can turn it into a Facebook Ad).

2. Create a topic that leads into your webinar and is a logical fit to give them a taste of what you’ll deliver on the webinar.

3. End with a call to action to register for the webinar and include a webinar registration link in the post introduction.

4. Create a Facebook Ad of the post and target the audience you want at your webinar.

5. Run the ads and see cheaper registrations to your webinar roll in!

6. Deliver the webinar and sell your program or offer a strategy session.

Here’s an example of one of my client’s ads using her Facebook Live’s to register for a webinar as inspiration for you >> CLICK HERE 

So, it’s time to get started with this strategy and let me know how you go.

As always, if you need help crafting your high-converting webinar or creating your powerful lead generation campaign, then just apply for a free clarity session with me HERE

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