
Online Marketing

How To Create Powerful Offers

June 8, 2017

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I'm Victoria!

I show life coaches how to master their marketing and take control of their own success by creating a meaningful message that attracts more clients and makes more money.


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The offers you make are the lifeblood of your marketing, but this seems to be the biggest stumbling block for most.

Either you’re trying to stuff way too much into yours, or you’re missing the mark on what the true problem your market is facing.

Without having a clear and powerful offer that clearly communicates the results you deliver, your marketing will struggle.

When I talk about your offer, I mean specifically the transformation or the outcome of the service you provide in the lives of your clients. It isn’t a list of the processes that you follow, or a blanket term for the type of work you do.

It is the way you package your powerful transformation that will help your clients choose you and ensure you stand out from the competition.

There are a few guiding questions you can ask that will help you create your powerful offer and ensure you have the marketing foundation to succeed in business.

So, in thinking about the work that you do with clients and the results you bring about (or would like to bring about), I want you to get to the heart of what you do and be led by the following powerful questions.

Ask yourself these to guide you to creating your powerful offer:

1. Who is your greatest success story?

This may actually be yourself if you’re just starting out and you have created the results you want to share in your own life. Otherwise, it will be those clients you’ve worked with that have had the best results (and you have enjoyed working with most).

2. What were the SPECIFIC results they got? Try and quantify these as best you can.

These may be an increase in income, an elimination of disease or sickness, more mobility in their joints or the creation of an effective marketing plan.

Just “feeling better” or the fact that they said they enjoyed working with you is NOT enough.

Don’t be afraid to go deep here to really get to the specifics.

3. What would have been the true “cost” of them not engaging you?

And by cost, I mean more than anything monetary. This is particularly useful to think about when you create personal development outcomes and contribute to the wellbeing of your clients. You don’t need to help people make money to create a powerful offer.

The cost of them not moving forward may be a loss of confidence, it may be uncertainty and it may be them holding on to those last twenty pounds that stop them from having a satisfying sex life with their husband.

4. What elements of these success stories could apply to your whole market?

It’s worth identifying the elements that could apply in more than just that instance and what are the repeatable parts of the work you did that you would use again and again to create great results.

For example, I know that by using the power of Facebook Ads with webinars and workshops, I can help all my clients grow their income, influence and impact.

5. What are the results you want to be known for?

It’s all very well that you CAN create positive outcomes and results for your market, but do you actually WANT to?

if you keep an offer just because people buy it, even though you can’t stand delivering it, you’re going to struggle to enjoy growing your business.

And you’re setting yourself up to fail.

Instead, think about those elements of the work you have done that you have enjoyed and would be happy to continue to do  – day in and day out if you had too.

A good way to think about this is that if you could order the kind of clients that helped you create those success stories – always – would you?

6. What are the biggest benefits your clients receive from working together with you.

It’s time to get clear on the details of these, and pay specific attention to those that you think separate you from the competition.

7. What are the challenges prospects find in choosing you?

This may have two parts to it – the challenges they are facing that motivates them to invest with you and the challenges they have actually converting into clients.

Both will give you powerful information that will shape the creation of your offer.

8. How can you package the repeatable steps into a “system, formula or blueprint”?

You need to commoditize the work that you do so that there is a clear deliverable or outcome (this is aside from any customization you may layer on for your clients once they choose you).

Once you have asked yourself these questions, you should have a clearer idea of the outcome or transformation you create for your clients or those that you want to create.

So, don’t complicate it. Don’t add to many bells and whistles and definitely don’t start getting too cute with names and labels that nobody understands.

Instead, it’s time to create your powerful offer and use this as the cornerstone to your success.

Need some help creating yours? I’ll be releasing a new video next week on this very topic and can’t wait to share it with you. You can also apply for a free Clarity Session with me and we can unwrap it one to one. Go here to apply >>

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