

How To Create A High Converting Landing Page That Attracts New Life Coaching Leads

July 19, 2021

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I'm Victoria!

I show life coaches how to master their marketing and take control of their own success by creating a meaningful message that attracts more clients and makes more money.


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In order to build an active and engaged email list of prospective clients, you’ll need to create a high-converting Landing Page - which is the most important web page you'll need to grow your coaching business online.

And when done right, this will be the most valuable piece of online communication that you have in your life coaching business, which sounds like a pretty big promise, but it's true.

A landing page for your freebie is the gateway to getting life coaching clients… so it’s worth putting a little time and attention into creating one that works.

It’s a key page to share on social media and it’s definitely what you’re going to need if you are thinking of doing any kind of paid advertising – whether that be Facebook ads, Instagram ads, or Pinterest ads to attract new coaching clients.

When you’re paying money for every set of eyeballs that hit the landing page, you’ll want to have the best chance of converting them onto your list.

Okay. So what is a landing page exactly?

A landing page is just an online web page that is designed to capture a lead.

Generally, that lead is just a name and an email address and it can also be an email address only. It can also capture telephone numbers or other information, but generally, as long as you have that email address, you’ll be able to circle back to them with other valuable communications and nurture them to the next step – which is to be a paying client.

A landing page is essentially an instant reward for visitors who hand over their contact details so you can give them a taste of the value of working together.

The next step they’ll move to is to join your email list and receive a weekly piece of communication which then has automated nurture emails that go out to them over time to further introduce who you are and offer valuable insights or tips, or an invitation to a webinar, video or an online workshop.

The idea really is to keep showing up and connecting with your email list to establish yourself as an authority and inspire them to want to keep hearing from you so they can take action towards becoming a paying client.

And that’s why your landing page really is such a valuable piece of real estate in your business.

But in order for it to perform at its best, there are some elements you’ll want to include. Which I’ll outline here for you.

1.Keep It Brief

This isn’t a sales or about page on your website, there’s no need to tell them your life story, nor are you needing to sell your program on your landing page.

You only want to inspire one action when they land on this page. And that is to enter their contact details and sign up for your freebie.

So whatever you’re asking for. I recommend first name and email in that order, in a box that sits above the fold.

And simplicity in highlighting the value you’re offering on your landing page is really important.

Think of using clear and compelling headlines and not having any other distractions from the one clear action on the page.

All roads must lead to that action for it to perform.

2. Offer Real Value

For most people, handing over an email address is kind of something they don’t give up that easily.

And if someone’s going to give you an email address, it is direct access to them so you have to create a decent reason for them to do so.

Even though they can unsubscribe at any time, their thought process is that they’re only going to give it up for something they think is valuable.

So you want to make sure you’re thinking of how your freebie addresses their problem in the quickest and best way possible.

So, what do you want to give away as your freebie to ensure you capture their details?

I would suggest that you give away a high-value checklist, guide or template.


Because they are the most useful and compelling and they work so well because they can be consumed quickly and offer a real result.

They have a high perceived value because they save time, transfer knowledge and can actually serve to create an outcome on their own.

So, in thinking about how to create yours, think about the common “mini-problems” that your audience comes up against when they are looking to get rid of the problem that you solve.

So for example, if you’re a health coach and you’re helping people lose weight, you would know one of the first things they need to tackle (at least in their own mind) is to cut out sugar and one of the problems they might have is that they don’t know how to create a meal plan that totally eliminates sugar.

So, you could have a Sugar-Free Desserts Recipe Book or a 7-Day Sugar-Free Meal Plan.

If you are a relationship coach, you might offer something like 50 great ideas for date night with your husband. Or how to get your husband on board with your ideas – maybe there’s a series of scripts or prompts or something like that.

Or if you’re a dating coach and you want to share the best way to get started online dating, perhaps with a guide showing them how to create a killer profile.

Swipe files and real-life examples can also work really well, so you are the curator of ideas, rather than the creator of them.

These step-by-step guides, templates, checklists or whatever you can create for them to speed up the process and give them mini-realisations or more confidence to move towards the solution – BUT without actually giving them the solution.

We want to give them enough value that they can see that you are the perfect choice to help them overcome their problem.

We don’t want to lay everything out on the table here because we still want to leave them hungry for more. And when we leave them hungry for more, then it’s kind of like popping out all these breadcrumbs and watching them move closer and closer towards becoming a client.

And the more value you can showcase simply and clearly on this landing page, the bigger chance you have at converting that visitor to the landing page into a paying life coaching client.

3. Use Proven Conversion Design

The next element you want to integrate is using a design and format that is proven to convert.

And the best way to do that is to use an online tool that makes landing page creation an absolute breeze.

It will enable you to quickly, easily, and effectively create a high converting landing page without coding or designing from scratch.

And the tools that I recommend for this generally require you to invest, but having some kind of paid software can make this so easy because it’s just all literally drag-and-drop.

This saves you not only the money it would cost to pay a designer to create the page, but also the time you could waste testing something that doesn’t work.

And the best tool I recommend for great landing pages that convert (and are easy to create too) is LeadPages. I have been using it since about 2013 and it has never let me down.

It has beautiful-looking templates that convert and are pretty much drag and drop meaning that you don’t have to be overly techy to use and you don’t need to be an amazing designer so you can just get started and go.

Another great all-in-one solution is Kajabi.

It doesn’t have quite as many templates as Lead Pages, but it’s got so many other features too.

It’s not only going to build your landing pages. It’s going to enable you to build a website, take payments, podcast AND really easily create and host your own online course. It really has so much functionality in Kajabi that I think it replaces a whole lot of other expensive software tools.

4. Have A Strong Headline

One of the biggest elements that influence how many leads you capture from your landing page is the headline and the hook.

It is the first thing they will see and will not only capture their attention but also entice them with a hook that keeps them on the page and makes them give up their details easily.

Some frameworks you can use for this are:

1. The Unlikely Lesson Headline (eg Why A Little-Known Chemical Can Be Your Best Friend When It Comes To Making Your Relationship Last)

2. Let Me Show You How Headline (eg 5 Research-Backed Ways To Free Yourself From Anxiety Without Medication)

3. The Learn From Me Headline (eg How I Lost My Baby Belly In Just 6 Weeks Without Diet Or Exercise)

4. The Dissent-Creating Headline (eg New Reasons Women Can Feel Bad About Their Bodies).

5. I Am In Control Headline (eg 5 Ways Mothers Can Take Control Of Their Time & Slay Their To-Do List)

Typically, after the headline and sub-headline, you will add a clear button or opt-in box where they enter their details. And make no mistake, this needs to stand out and make sure you make it clear exactly what they need to do like “enter your email below to access your free guide”.

5. Boost Credibility

Given that many people who visit your landing page will likely never have seen you before, it’s a great idea to include some kind of social proof if you can.

This can come in two parts.

The first is “as seen is” logos. This is where doing a lot of guest blogging can pay off, in that you can use that as featured in or as seen in logos, the media logos seem to just sort of really add a lot of authority to your page.

Don’t despair if you don’t have these yet. You don’t have to have them, but they can be a nice, little strip of logos to include, whether it be brands or media that you have been featured in.

The second part of social proof is testimonials. One to three testimonials from a previous client with an image with just a few lines of why you’re so fabulous and why you help them achieve something amazing is great to add on your page as well.

Then you should show them who you are with a headshot of yourself and a quick bio. It’s really just to establish credibility, like what you help people achieve, who you are, that kind of thing. You can add a little bit of personality in there, but you don’t need to go too deep, just a few lines here. You may also want to consider creating an enticing image for your freebie. It could also be an image of the actual freebie, like what they call an offer shot of the guide or the template.

Or you might use a still life shot. A site like Social Squares has lots of clean images that you can use for your marketing without spending a ton on photography. But make sure there’s a photo of you on there somewhere.

Your landing page is going to be the way that you are going to first attract people into your audience, onto your email list, and that then eventually become paying life coaching clients and I don’t want you to ignore this as a massive client-attraction opportunity.

Even if you don’t think you’re ready to start paying for traffic, it’s a great thing to start sharing in Facebook groups and on your social media accounts.

It really is the single most important page that you can have. And I want to make sure that you include all these elements so that you’re making the most of the opportunity and turning your followers into clients.


Kajabi https://www.victoriagibson.com/kajabi

Lead Pages https://www.victoriagibson.com/leadpages

Social Squares https://www.socialsquares.com/

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