

#10: The Curse Of Knowledge

May 17, 2021

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I'm Victoria!

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The curse of knowledge is a phenomenon that shows up when we go to market our expertise and share our knowledge in the hope of transforming others with our coaching.

Why is this?

Because the curse of knowledge means that we go so far into our expertise and our knowledge that we forget to structure it in a way that is understandable, clear and compelling.

Instead we bombard people by being too complex, sophisticated and cramming way too much in.

So much so, that they switch off, get overwhelmed or fail to take any action or be inspired to move forward.

And this can be the kiss of death when it comes to marketing online because you have such a small window to make an impact.

In creating social media, programs and learning for our audience, we want to guide them toward transformation rather than share from a place that is not yet fully embraced or understood.

But in order to more powerfully share concepts and coaching and invite our prospects to work with us we need to meet them where they are – in their brains and not ours.

And by that, I mean, we start by understanding their thoughts, dreams and motivations and exactly what is bothering them about their specific problem.

They actually WANT to come on the journey with us.

But knowing what to say and how to say it, whether it be in a social media post, an email newsletter or a webinar can keep us in a place of overwhelm, indecision and self-doubt.

We know we have great things to share, but knowing if these are actually going to connect or make a difference can leave us thinking more about what to say, rather than going with the best and most simple option.

So, we slip into doubting we actually have anything worth saying, or we think we need to take it to a new level of sophistication so there can be no doubt that you know what you’re talking about.

It’s like you think that in order for them to believe you know what you’re talking about you have to stuff everything you know including the most advanced concepts.

But as a life coach, sometimes we have too much information or our learning is well beyond that of where the market is.

If we go too far we lose the ability to easily connect with that audience where they are and they don’t come on the journey to become a client.

Instead we overwhelm, confuse and they disengage.

We want to make sure we stay in a place of connection and engagement and inspiration rather than overwhelm, disconnection and discouragement that comes when we fall victim to the curse of knowledge.

We never want to make people feel like a concept, knowledge or transformation is out of their reach or that it’s not for them by being way too sophisticated with it.

We need to share in a way that serves rather than in a way that repels.

But what can happen with the curse of knowledge, is that we add EVERYTHING we know about a broad area.

And we set our clients up to fail and we also set ourselves up to fail, because we create a transformation that’s too difficult to achieve.

And that means we don’t have a stream of happy clients and testimonials, instead we have a line of non-finishers which makes us then doubt our own expertise and talent.

I want you to really understand how the problem is showing up for them, in what ways and what are the symptoms of that problem.

We want to start with the minimum effective dose that gets them a realisation or a result.

That means sharing less of what we know and more of what they need.

So don’t let the curse of knowledge take you away from where your client is and where they need to go.

Your potential clients will be turned off and they won’t buy from you. They won’t engage with you. They won’t connect. They won’t be inspired. You will not grow a following.

And you’ll think it’s all about you.

But your insecurity and fear of being inadequate actually makes you inadequate because you’re not creating effective communication and you’re getting in the way of the amazing results you could create.

You’re not creating marketing that will convert.

You’re not attracting clients.

You’ve got to pull right back and start with meeting them where they are instead.

No need to impress them. You are enough, but start showing up to serve as this takes less effort and yields better results.

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  1. Dawn Baggett says:

    Thank you for explaining this so well!

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