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Why Your Online Course Isn’t Selling And What To Do Instead

February 20, 2020

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In this episode of Sky High Results Online Podcast I wanted to share with you the reasons why your online course isn’t selling and what you can do instead to create repeatable sales and use your expertise in a leveraged way that gets your clients great results.

The big problem is so many coaches, consultants, experts, and mentors are thinking that an online course is the answer to all their marketing woes.

You just package up your expertise, you put a few videos online and people just come and automatically buy it from a sales page and you make money while you sleep. Right?

Well, it’s not that it can’t happen, it’s just that for the majority of us, it’s the journey to success is not going to look like that.

An online course is going to be one part of the puzzle, but in the beginning when you’re getting your products up and running, you’re attracting your clients you’re trying to build your profile and you’re trying to get out there and help as many people as possible, you’ll find that it’s not that easy to just package up your expertise, put it into an online course and make a ton of money.

So I’ve identified some of the biggest reasons why your online course may not be selling as it should and little tweaks, changes you can make to help your clients and feel really good about your business rather than bummed out that you created this course that sold a little bit, but now not so much.

The worst part of that too is just all the work that went into creating that course. I know intimately the blood, sweat and tears that goes into putting your information on into an online course.

The how of creating your course is the wrong place to be focusing your attention. What I’d rather you be focusing on is how can you get your clients the best results possible in the shortest time by leveraging what you know and how you can nurture and guide them to big results.

It’s where I see most course creators, coaches, consultants, and mentors go wrong.

So I want stop you from doing that if you’ve still been pottering around with a course idea or repackage what you have in your course into something that’s way more powerful.

It might just be mean adding a whole heap of value rather than throwing away what you have. You can actually just repurpose it without essentially creating anything new from a tech standpoint. 

If you haven’t gone into that tech vortex of creating an online course yet, then never fear you actually don’t need one for the solution that I’m going to share to all your online course woes.

The concept I want to introduce to you, which is an absolute game changer, is a MASTERMIND.

You can be adding this value, which then allows you to not only give your clients much,better result than they would ordinarily get from either one on one coaching or buying an online course.

They get this amazing transformation and the inspiration of being with a group of peers that leads them to dramatically different results. The insights that you get and your clients will get from seeing the interaction of a group to witnessing others transformation, particularly when you may not even believe such a transformation is possible for yourself. The power of seeing it happened for a peer can be so transformative and create so much more momentum than just your words or just the framework of your course. Because when they see it in action, it creates a whole different experience.

So by bringing your clients together in a mastermind, you can utilize what you are going to put in your online course or what you already have in your online course as the repeatable steps and the framework, the blueprint for success and also add value by activating that journey with live calls, Facebook groups or an online messaging group like WhatsApp or a Slack.

It’s so much harder to get attention and to then convert that attention into a connected by who’s going to be engaged enough to stay connected and get great results.

People are looking for more than just another online course that’s going to gather digital dust and stack on top of their collection that they never get around to. I mean, let’s face it, I do this with self help books as much as online courses.

I’ve joined my first mastermind in 2011 and been consistently doing them ever since and I’ve been offering my own coaching masterminds for my clients since 2013 and what I love about this approach, and look, I tried the online course approach to be the answer to my prayers too.

And although I still offer online courses and it’s not the bulk of my income, the bulk of my income comes from my mastermind, which I offer on a rolling basis. People can join at any time, get what they need, connect with others on the same journey. Even if people are at different paths or different points in the journey, it doesn’t matter what matters is that you’re there showing up being of service being a value, and you can package that opportunity at a higher price, a much higher price than most online courses.

It doesn’t mean you need to get fancy websites because really a mastermind and the success of the mastermind is based on how you set it up and how you curate the beautiful group.

If you’re a great curator but maybe not the best expert in your industry, you can still create amazing results for your clients. Something that will be in demand and an experience that they are really, really hungry for and keep coming back for more.

The other beautiful thing about a mastermind is that you can offer it for a longer period because what you’ll find is that people invest in the initial promise of a mastermind, which can still be the same promises and online course, but yet the experience and the delivery and the transformation is much deeper and more impactful.

It’s so much more because you have a smaller number of buyers that you serve at a deeper level – giving your clients personal interaction, allowing them to be seen, allowing them to fully show up.

How many courses have you bought where you’re just a sea of hundreds of people and it feels like you just get lost or you don’t really want to post anything cause it feels a bit embarrassing? People tend to hang back, they don’t fully show up as they should because they get drowned out in a sea of buyers.

So I’m talking about a fair exchange of value. I’m talking about showing up in a bigger way than just putting endless videos in a membership site and selling it as an online course, which you probably found is not even sell that great anyway. Right? This is going to feel so much better for you to do. So, what I invite you to do is think about how you can move to a mastermind model based on what you already have and know.

But a common mistake you may have made with your online course that may require some tweaking is that you may need to go a little more narrow than what you have in terms of your market.

You may need to go a few layers down in, in getting more specific. When we go down at at a few extra layers of levels and then what happens is your paid traffic, your ads become easier, your marketing copy becomes a breeze and everything just flows in a way that you can’t believe when when you stuck in just a broader topic, it can feel like walking through mud. Ideas don’t flow as easily. It doesn’t seem to resonate. People aren’t clicking and opening and reacting the way that they should. But when you drill down and you get right into the mind of your ideal clients and get to the core of the specific problem, things just open up.

That’s the beauty of a mastermind. Being able to see where that everyone can be at different stages, but you’re all on a like-minded journey that brings about a transformation bigger than you can do on your own in any online course or one-on-one course.

So I absolutely recommend that you start thinking about the mastermind option and if it’s something that you want to plan out for your existing course or offer then join me and jump on a complimentary call, go to https://victoriagibso.wpengine.com/call and just apply for a call with me.

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