

#5: How To Serve Your Clients In Less Time

March 16, 2021

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I'm Victoria!

I show life coaches how to master their marketing and take control of their own success by creating a meaningful message that attracts more clients and makes more money.


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In this episode, I’m going to show you the simple structure that will allow you to serve your clients in less time while working remotely from anywhere in the world.

It’s the business model that turns my clients from unknowns to commanding premium fees all while staying true to their mission and making positive change.

It will also help you deliver outstanding results to EVERY coaching client you work with, without filling up your calendar with endless coaching sessions.

Sounds like a big call, but this is what I help my clients achieve every day, and have done for years.

Many life coaches once they get certified believe they need to start with one on one coaching or free sessions, but both of these are a handbrake to your income, your freedom and your results.


Because they leave you trading time for money and left with a diary full of coaching sessions and no free time to grow your business or do the things you love.

And the “one-off “nature of this approach means that you’re constantly looking for more clients even though you haven’t had the time to create a great pipeline that keeps them flowing into you.

It’s like starting from scratch each and every month.

And that’s why I recommend that you consider group coaching as an offer, even if you add it to your one on one coaching.

When I started coaching groups I noticed something else immediately came into play.


People would hold themselves accountable to actually applying the information I was giving them…

…and they started getting phenomenal results. 

The fact that they wanted to emulate others in the group who were succeeding or were more concerned about falling behind other members was a powerful way to inspire them to great results.

The power of community elevates your coaching to another level.

The other bonus to offering small groups to get started building your business is that you get to coach more people in less time.

This means you can easily build your coaching business around a young family or use that extra time to grow your business faster with more marketing, or go surfing.

The point is, you get to choose!

So, if you’re looking for a way to inspire your clients into action and build in more freedom into your coaching without working for someone else or keeping it as a hobby.

You MUST think about groups.

And if you’re not charging a premium price right now, there are really only two reasons why. Either…

1. You think your expertise isn’t worth it. Which means you don’t value life coaching or yourself,


2. You know your coaching IS worth it…but you’re afraid that if you start charging what you’re really worth, no one is going to pay it.

So, let’s deal with BOTH of those issues right now.

The first thing you MUST understand is the value of what you are actually selling.

You’re not selling your time.

You’re not selling information.

You’re not even selling your knowledge.

What you’re selling is the value of the result that you deliver.

That’s what your clients want.

So you MUST understand the value of what you’re really selling…

– You’re not selling an hour of your time.

– You’re not selling your coaching method.

– You’re not selling any of the things you think that you’re selling.

What you are really selling is a transformation and the path to a specific result.

And that’s how you need to price your services.

Once you understand that, you start to realize that high prices actually reassure your clientele that you really are the best of the best.

So taking both of these elements – group coaching and higher prices gives you the chance to sidestep one on one coaching straight out of the gate.

Now, the only reason why you wouldn’t charge higher prices is if you’re afraid that you don’t have the marketing to support that.

So let’s talk about that.

I believe that webinar marketing is the most powerful way to:

– Establish a real connection with your audience…

– Demonstrate your authority and credibility to solve your clients’ biggest problems

– Give your audience massive clarity and value for free…

It’s the third element to sidestep one on one clients for good. Because just the act of offering a webinar elevates you above 80% life coaches who are too afraid to get there’s out there.

Your own webinar also means you don’t have to do hours of social media posting, podcasting or networking each and every week.

Instead you can have one single strategy that brings you all the group coaching clients you need, day in and day out.

Here is the process I use myself and recommend for my clients:

1. You run an ad on Facebook or Instagram

2. People click the ad and go to a page to register for your webinar.

3. They watch your webinar (and love it).

4. They reach out to become a group coaching client at a premium price.

That’s the framework and I’m not saying it’s simple, but when it starts working it feels like it is!

So, what can we do to set things up so that your income stays the same or goes up, regardless of what you do with your time?

To do this, you must break free from delivering your coaching one-on-one.

It’s like this.

Stop hiding the power of your coaching away and sharing with only one person at a time and start offering group coaching at premium prices.

Fill your groups with webinar marketing and set yourself free.

So, here’s how you bring it all together:

1. Leverage your time and sidestep one on one sessions with a group coaching offer.

2. Command premium prices.

3. Use webinar marketing.

This is the key to creating a freedom-based coaching business that gives you the flexibility to live your life without compromising on client results all while creating the opportunity to make way more money.

Next month I’ll be opening the doors to my coaching intensive that walks you through this process, so stay tuned.

And while you wait, you can always access my webinar success roadmap program for coaches who want to create their webinar in a few short days – just head to victoriagibson.com/roadmap.

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