

#1: How To Decide What To Charge As A Life Coach

February 18, 2021

what to charge for your coaching
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I'm Victoria!

I show life coaches how to master their marketing and take control of their own success by creating a meaningful message that attracts more clients and makes more money.


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In this episode, I am addressing the all important topic of how to decide what to charge as a life coach.

So, let’s dive in!

When when deciding what to charge for your coaching services or programs it’s really tempting to look at two factors to determine the price you will land on:

1. Experience
2. Competition

Experience is what you think you should charge based on your coaching experience, time since certification and track record of getting results.

Competition is what other people charge and what the going market rate is.

The problem with only looking at these two factors is that you ignore the value of the result you’re offering TO your client.

And by thinking about your price in terms of how many sessions you’ll offer, cost per hours or how many programs and inclusions defines you as a commodity, rather than as a powerful transformation.

By focusing on experience and competition alone, you will undercharge.

This is because you’re letting your ego and self-doubt determine your pricing, rather than the value of the result or outcome you’re offering.

So, whether you are coaching one to one or working with groups or have a mastermind offer, I want you to use the value pricing approach when it comes to deciding what to charge.

This will enable you to charge more for your coaching and get better results for your clients – even when you are new to life coaching and you don’t have a tonne of experience.

Listen to the full episode to find out how to apply these principles to your life coaching business.

You’ll also hear how my client Kaylee use this framework to double her revenue, deliver her signature program in less time, and attract more motivated and engaged clients.

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