This week, I’m excited to introduce you to Laura Trotta from!
Laura is the leading voice of sustainability online and she’s built a multi-faceted coaching business using tools like crowdfunding and podcasting to pave her way to the top.
In this podcast, you’ll discover how she transitioned from her corporate career to starting her own online store selling eco-baby products, then pivoted to create a thriving online coaching business around sustainability.
Through her business, Laura guides thousands of followers and clients around the globe to create sustainable homes and eco-conscious businesses.
Her popular sustainable living programs, Home Detox Boot Camp, a guide that helps women break up with toxins in their homes and the Self Sufficiency in the Suburbs, an online club that helps parents live a more self-sufficient life in the modern world are leaving a positive impact around the world.
She’s built her entire business from her lounge room in a small town in Outback South Australia and is a great example of how one person with a big mission, and a strong voice, can make a difference.
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