
Online Marketing

What I Learned From Ali Brown’s Iconic Event…

November 9, 2017

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I'm Victoria!

I show life coaches how to master their marketing and take control of their own success by creating a meaningful message that attracts more clients and makes more money.


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The promise of the Iconic event in LA was to elevate to your highest level of genius and truly start leading.

The event was limited to just 50 women and we came together to hear how to position ourselves above the growing competition and noise and become truly distinctive by sharing our great work.

Ali Brown is the world’s most recognised coach for women entrepreneurs and brings her razor-sharp insights and in-depth knowledge of online marketing to engage and inspire.

Ali was tired of the low barriers to entry into online coaching and thinks it has now become a commodity where prices are being pushed down and quality is suffering.

She put out the call to experienced women coaches and consultants to finally step up and identify how they can take their own “sharp right turns” and carve out their own path in a crowded market.

So, here’s my key takeaways after spending a couple of days with some amazing women from across the globe:

1. The online coaching industry has got quite simple and formulaic, and this combined with low barriers to entry is making it difficult for the market to differentiate between newbies and the more experienced players.

2. So many women have been telling Ali that they’re burned out, they’ve spent a lot of money and have gathered a lot of strategies that don’t fit and definitely aren’t working.

3. It may be time to walk away from everything that is proven – even if that means the current tribe you’re serving.

4. A useful question to ask when fully stepping into your leadership is “what are you willing to GIVE UP in order to become who you want to be?”

5. What could you let go of in order to up level your business, it could even be attachments to the basics like list-building… If most of your list aren’t buying, why do you keep investing in growing your list?

6. It’s more worthwhile to pursue being respected rather than liked. How can you share your truth with the expertise to back it up?

And my biggest takeaway, and the one that I’ll leave you with too, is that sometimes we shrink our message to suit our audience.

It’s time to expand instead.

What could you let go of to go bigger?

I can’t wait to see!

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