The good news is that by creating your own free Facebook group TODAY in just a few months you could be getting high-paying coaching clients directly from that community – over and over again.
The bad news is, most life coaches won’t want to take this opportunity, even though it is one of the best and most effective free lead generation strategies out there.
It’s a shame that you keep putting it off, and I get it. I was like that too.
I reluctantly started my own private group a few years before I started taking it seriously.
I saw it as a drain on my time and energy, and something I would prefer to reserve for my paying coaching clients.
So I had some members when I had tried a Traffic Boost Challenge and then left it to just SIT.
That was until I was introduced to the Facebook Group launch strategy back in 2019, that I now refer to as my Live Session Series Method.
This is where you bring together valuable training that is delivered over 5 key live sessions to those who register and join your private Facebook Group.
And I quickly realised the real opportunity of creating my own Facebook Group and I was able to generate over 6-figures in revenue annually for the past three years.
A Facebook group took my potential clients from cold to a client in a community setting and worked extremely well alongside webinars as a great way to attract clients.
There are 3 big advantages of starting and growing your own Facebook Group, and they are perfect for life coaches who are looking to step up and serve and who want to create more momentum online.
So let’s touch on these advantages now:
1. You Can Get Started From Zero
That’s right, all you need is a Facebook account, a smartphone, and an internet connection.
You don’t need fancy photos or branding – you can just knock up some banner pics in the free version of Canva.
So it literally doesn’t cost a thing to get it up and running.
2. It’s Great If You Hate Tech
If you aren’t into complex tech and software, you can just create your group with the instructions on Facebook and get started posting.
You can also create super easy videos from scratch with nothing more than your phone.
It is an amazing way to show more of who you are and fast-track connections with your best prospects.
3. Although Consistency Matters, Frequency Doesn’t
Everyone’s big fear around social media is that you’ll have to post a million times a day, and that’s just not true.
I post just once a week and then go all in during my live session series, so it’s super low maintenance.
And although you may be thinking it may be a great next step, your pesky brain is likely throwing up some big reasons why it sounds good but may not be right for you just now.
So, I want to take a minute to address the biggest objections going around to starting your Facebook Group, so we can get these out of the way.
1. Nobody Will Join
The good news here is that even if you suck at filling your group, Facebook’s algorithm will do a ton of the work for you. It loves suggesting your group for free to like-minded people, which is really great.
Facebook is focused on groups as a growth strategy too, so although getting your posts seen on a Facebook Page is damn near impossible, Facebook is more likely to ensure your posts are seen by members.
2. It Sounds Like Too Much Hard Work
Yep, there’s no escaping you have to set up the group and commit to engaging and responding in the beautiful community you are cultivating.
But if you’re still trying to grow your audience and build your revenue, this is a necessity regardless.
You have two choices here.
Basically, you get to choose how easy and fast you make the growth and success of your Facebook Group.
One is spending money and the other is spending time. And this will come down to your own resources, commitments, and motivation.
And, if you want to do both then even better, but you certainly don’t have to.
A Facebook Group is an asset to your business, just like an email list is. But it is certainly a companion asset to your list as you don’t have certainty of ownership or algorithm changes. But while Facebook is favouring groups, it’s wise to ride the opportunity.
3. I Don’t Know What To Post
This objection certainly pops up frequently when it comes to social media, and it’s way too easy to overthink this and fall into perfectionism and hold back from posting anything at all.
Please don’t do this!
Think about Value, Story & Connection.
You can share your freebies and mini-live training, you can share snippets of your life that you are comfortable doing and you can also share other people’s content like quotes, memes, and videos.
Facebook even gives you special tools to help you create your content beyond the standard photo and video posts.
Of course, you can create Facebook Live Videos where you share a tip, strategy, or insight straight to the group post using your webcam or phone. But there is also an option to Write A Prompt, Create A Room or Host A Live Q&A.
4. I Need More Experience
Oh yes, that old chestnut…
Well, you could wait until you have more experience, but time passes anyway, and creating your Facebook Group takes a little time to get moving AND has the bonus of being completely private and curated, so it’s not quite as confronting as putting yourself out there on your Facebook profile or page.
It’s like hosting an intimate cocktail party rather than a huge concert where you’re taking centre stage, it’s much more warm and cozy and as always the more that you start showing up, the easier it gets, particularly when people start commenting and you respond, because it’s a conversation, not a broadcast.
5. Not Sure How To Fill It
Although the algorithm is on your side, your Group won’t fill itself and for sure, and because the power of the group is in the curation of like-minded souls who are ideally all looking for the kind of transformation you provide, you want to make sure the right kind of people are joining.
Use the About section to explain why your group is so great. Detail the Group’s purpose, the type of content you’ll post, and what they can expect to experience.
You can also add a description of who the group is for to help people decide if it’s right for them.
Don’t forget to share the group with your existing audience.
Let your social media followers and friends, members in other like-minded groups, visitors to your website, previous customers, prospects and email subscribers know about your Group.
Start a challenge or live training series to kick off the group where they are required to join to access the goodies.
Another fast way to get things moving is to host a giveaway, try and make this something related to the coaching you do or the problem you solve to get as many genuine people as possible.
Add some posts in your group so that when the first few people join they can get a taste of what’s on offer.
It’s good to recognize that early on, not many people will be responsive, and it will feel like crickets, but this will slowly change, just keep at it.
And lastly, some Dos and Don’ts…
- Do offer your members valuable content and targeted offers. Your members will talk to other people about your group when you do this.
- Ask your most dedicated members to help you grow the Group.
- Set clear rules for your Group so members and potential members know what to
- expect.
- Send links to your Group to other Facebook users you think would be interested.
- Don’t add people to the group without their permission.
I have managed to sell $2K, $5K, and $10K coaching offers in my Connect & Convert Group – some with a sales page and some with some connection calls, but regardless it can be a fertile ground for finding clients who are already pre-sold on you.
So get started today… go to and click on Create A Group and follow the prompts.
You’ll be so glad you did.
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