In this episode, I want to help you avoid obsessing over what to price your services, offerings, and programs and instead turn your mind to the value you can create which makes price irrelevant in the mind of your buyer.
Listen in to the episode here:
So, instead of finding more “stuff” to add to your offer, you can add more value instead.
This episode is for you if you’ve been wondering why your online course hasn’t been hitting your targets, even though you’ve priced it so low.
I’ll share with you the 3 big questions you need to ask to sell more courses (and not one of them is “what should I charge”).
I’m also revealing my two “go-to” price points for online coaching offers that convert like crazy.
So listen in and see if you can answer the 3 big questions.
QUESTION 1: What is your promise?
Do you help people lose weight, attract more clients, get over their ex or get out of debt?
QUESTION 2: What is new, interesting or different about what the outcome you provide?
Is it a new take on an old problem, is it for a specific type of person, is it a little-known concept that captures the imagination?
What will set it apart from the competition?
QUESTION 3: What does your target market need to believe in order to buy?
What is the core concept of your solution that cuts to the heart of your client’s most pressing problem?
The second two questions aren’t easy to answer and you may have to “try a few on for size”.
But once you start to focus more on your value and less on price, you’ll find marketing SO much easier.
Come on over to my Connect & Convert Group for coaches wanting to attract more clients online. Click here to request to join free.
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